2.1.2 Admitting Graduate Students to Matriculated Study: Implementation
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Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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2.1.1 Admitting Graduate Students to Matriculated Study: Policy
1. Admitting Graduate Students to Matriculated Study
The process of admitting graduate students to matriculated study at Stanford University makes use of an electronic application (Slate) and the PeopleSoft Student Administration data base. The following table displays the steps in the process, indicating the responsible individual or organization. In many cases, these actions are governed by deadlines that may be set annually by Stanford or by the degree program.
1. | Notify Graduate Admissions of program admission requirements and deadlines, including whether or not GRE scores are required. | Degree Program |
2. | Maintain official descriptions of university processes and requirements for admission, including applicable deadlines and GRE requirements. | Graduate Admissions |
3. | Read and follow the advice and directions on the Graduate Admissions website and the relevant admissions sections of degree program websites. | Applicant |
4. | Complete the online application and pay the application fee by the degree program deadline indicated on the Graduate Admissions website. | Applicant |
5. | Arrange to have letters of recommendation sent within the electronic application system. | Applicant |
6. | Via a system load process, receive application records and convert the data contained in those records into the university’s PeopleSoft Student Administration database (SA), creating a PeopleSoft application record and a student identification number (EMPLID) for the applicant. | Graduate Admissions |
7. | Regularly monitor the Slate system to identify new applications and manage the degree program’s application process. | Degree Program |
8. | Coordinate the review of applications by departmental faculty/staff/student evaluators to reach a final admission decision for each submitted application. | Degree Program |
9. | Prepare content for decision letter templates (admit, deny, waitlist (if applicable)). Admit letters should include:
If admission includes financial support:
| Degree Program |
10. | Set up decision letter templates in Slate, including technical configurations for merge fields and conditional logic. | Graduate Admissions |
11. | Move applications to corresponding decision bins (Admit, Deny, or Waitlist) in Slate. | Degree Program |
12. | Meet with Graduate Admissions to confirm and release decisions in Slate. | Degree Program |
13. | Follow instructions in email notification to log in to the applicant status page to view their decision letter. | Applicant |
14. | Respond to the offer of admission by completing the reply form on the applicant status page by the deadline set by the degree program. | Applicant |
15. | Arrange for official transcripts/final degree documents to be sent to Graduate Admissions. | Applicant |
16. | After the student has accepted the offer of admission and official documents are received, verify all credentials and fulfillment of English proficiency requirement. | Graduate Admissions |
17. | Notify the degree program of concerns about student credentials, if any. | Graduate Admissions |
18. | Notify the applicant of concerns regarding any condition of admission. | Graduate Admissions |
19. | Approve enrollment and matriculate the accepted student to their degree program. | Graduate Admissions |