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4.6.2 Doctoral Degrees, Candidacy: Implementation

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Last updated on:
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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4.6.1 Doctoral Degrees, Candidacy: Policy

1. Admission to Candidacy

Candidacy is awarded upon successful completion of degree program qualifying procedures.



1.Upon successful completion of degree program qualifying procedures and any additional degree program requirements, complete the Application for Candidacy for a Doctoral Degree, and submit it to the degree program for approval. If a PhD program includes a minor, an Application for PhD Minor must be submitted to both the major and minor departments and the Office of the Registrar for approval as well. Student
2.Review the application for compliance with both degree program and university requirements for the degree. Enter the candidacy information into Peoplesoft Student Administration.Degree Program
3.Approve any changes in courses or other requirements made after the Application for Candidacy is filed. Verify completion of the work specified and subsequent revisions prior to approving TGR status or conferral of the degree. Degree Program, Advisor, Chair
4.Monitor students’ timely admission to candidacy. If a student has not applied within the appropriate period of time, notify the student and the advisor. In addition, may place an enrollment hold (see GAP 5.5 Enrollment Holds) and release it upon receipt of the candidacy application or the degree program’s agreement to delay the candidacy vote. Degree Program

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2. Extension of Candidacy



1.Complete the Application for Extension of Candidacy and obtain the approval of the advisor and department chair. Student
2. If approved, change the month and year of the expiration to the new expiration date. Students may receive a maximum of one additional year of candidacy per extension.Degree Program


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